The ANGELS CONSERVATORY represents a new way of thinking.. and doing....
The founder and promoter,who wishes to remain anonymous, of the  "Plant a Tree - All Around Program" is what
the ANGELS CONSERVATORY is all about.
There is no greater contributor of oxygen (converting CO2 to O2 by photosynthesis) to our Earth than.... TREES....
and the Oceans.

His intention to plant as many trees as possible in the coming years to replace, not only the forests which have been
destroyed by haphazard clearing for greed and profit (without proper re-seeding), ... but also EDUCATE the public and
the world populous about the environmental aspects of PLANT CONSERVATION.

                  Yes…  Plant Trees…
By planting 50 million trees on our National Forests, we are investing in healthy forests for today and for future
generations. Together, we’ll restore tens of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat, from the long leaf pine forests of Florida
to the cedar groves of Alaska.
This will protect the watersheds that provides life’s most sustaining resource for cities like Los Angeles, Atlanta, Seattle and
thousands of other communities. And as these trees grow, they’ll help keep our global climate in check… and ensure the
wildlife will have healthy places to live.

See all the useful aspects of trees below...
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